Matthew Gray Writes: They’re Going To Take Our “Likes” Away!!

This is supposed to be Facebook’s way of contributing to our mental health. Since they own Instagram the believe they have the responsibility to ensure all our marbles/Mental Health are in good working order. Kids and elders alike freaking out about how many “Likes” their pictures receive.

Political corruption, climate change, corruption? Pshaw! They want to make sure we don’t make too much out of our “Likes” because it’s a surefire way to dumb-down the populace, when worrying over how many people loved (“Liked”) your bare-assed selfie when instead there are often thoughtful, articulate, and intelligent discourse to be shared and exchanged.

I, personally, have battled with this for several years. I’ll pour my heart out, guts and all, laying bare my soul for the world to lap up. I’ll spend a half-hour on whether to use the word “and” or “if” (as if…), but still it matters not. The man-made boobs, the skimpy bikini, the kitty-cat picture always wins out. I might get a few “Likes” and a comment or two. But the hot babe at the gym urging me to “feel the burn” gets thousands of “Likes” and comments. Sex wins. I was brought up and educated with the “Content is King” mantra, and now Facebook/Instagram, of all entities, are curiously trying to win back the thinkers, the wordsmiths, the poets in us all.

Well, let’s see if this really happens, as promised, because if not, I’m f–ked, because, although the camera loves me, I wish instead it loved my brain.

Thoughts? Or did I lose you without a cutesy/sexy photo?

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